Surprise tickets to the final Ravens home game?!
Winning made it even better.
31-7 Ravens over the Bears.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Nonsense: Improvements Continue
The Axeman and I have been burning all of our free time at the boat, helping to slowly morph it into a living breathing houseboat organism. One that has a floor to walk on and an engine to propel. Well, we are still working on the engine part, but we did finish the floor this week. Carpeting still to come.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Arsenal: The Houseboat
Yeah, you read the title correctly. Last Wednesday we added a 1970 34' Nautaline to the arsenal of casa de Bolte. Peppered with slight cosmetic damage and a tired old engine the houseboat will be something of a fixer upper, but will no doubt provide good times out in the bay for the next two summers. Check out these pics!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Friday, September 04, 2009
Nonsense: You Have To Go Away To Make A Comeback
The last time that I rode a mountain bike on a trail was on March 20th, 2008. According to that comes out to be 533 days, which is far to long for someone who has a blog title "The Single Speed Storm Trooper" to not have ridden his single speed mountain bike.
My "comeback" started at the ever familiar Patapsco State Park, which as not too familiar considering I got incredibly lost in the first 30 minutes and wound up in Rockburn. After some informative hikers set me straight, I pedaled around the trails for another two hours before coming out of the woods back at the Catonsville park and ride.
All in all it was a great day to be in the woods on the bike. I missed riding these last 533 days and look forward to being more proactive about my favorite hobby.
Here's to a comeback.
My "comeback" started at the ever familiar Patapsco State Park, which as not too familiar considering I got incredibly lost in the first 30 minutes and wound up in Rockburn. After some informative hikers set me straight, I pedaled around the trails for another two hours before coming out of the woods back at the Catonsville park and ride.
All in all it was a great day to be in the woods on the bike. I missed riding these last 533 days and look forward to being more proactive about my favorite hobby.
Here's to a comeback.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Snapshots: Baltimore
Been out and about in Charm City these past few weeks enjoying good weather and good times. Wanted to publish a few photos from around the city to show off the skyline.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Journeys: The Red Part II
This post is written as a recollection, because I failed to finish it in a timely manner. I am finishing this post six months and 13 days after the events took place.
Part of my much needed vacation during the first two weeks of June was a planned climbing trip with the ol' Stever in Kentucky's Red River Gorge. We left for the Red on June 8th, but I drove over to WV a few nights before for a small family reunion outside of Charleston. We had great weather over the weekend and I was hoping that it would hold out for the enitre week of climbing, but my hope was energy wasted on wishful thinking. We would spend part of the week sneaking around thunderstorms that peppered the Gorge before calling it quits on Thursday morning and heading home. In between rain clouds we did do some climbing...
June 8th, 2009:
Our vehicular ingress to the Red brought Steve and I by Fortress Wall, which has some classic trad routes, some classic trad routes that Steve let me lead. We climbed all afternoon having fun on American Crack, Calypso III, and the first pitch of Bedtime for Bonzo.
This was the first time Steve allowed me to lead trad routes and it was very exciting and scary all at the same time. The experience was something that would add fuel to my addictive fire for climbing as I would rack up some debt building my own trad rack later in the year.
After doing three routes and leaving the crag with a sense of trad accomplishment, Steve and I drove to Middle Fork Campground and set up our campsite.
June 9th, 2009:
Steve had a big day planned for the 9th and a big day of climbing was had. We drove out further into the sticks than normal to the Pendergrass Murray Recreation Preserve, specifically Sore Heel Hollow. Steve knew of a good wall called The Shire, which he claimed had some jug hauls on it and he was right. Very juggy and platey, but very fun, pumpy climbing.
We racked up three in a row in the Shire; Pee Wee, Audie, and Miranda Rayne. Miranda Rayne was especially pumpy and had very thin last moves as an extra little slap in the face.
After climbing Miranda Rayne, we haphazardly packed up the gear as I dreamt of making the leap to 5.10 on Bulldozer, but moved on to the Rival Wall to see what we could see in Rorschach Inkblot Test. The belay was sloping and the start required either a rock pile or cheerleader flexibility. I made like a cheerleader and Steve went with the rock pile. It was a fun climb with interesting moves near the top.
Already feeling somewhat tired from the pumpy Shire, we headed to another part of the Hollow to tick some other fun routes.
In Left Field, we climbed Lowered Expectations and on the Volunteer Wall we touched the perfectly spherical hold on Swap Meet.
June 10th, 2009:
Today we did not have much a plan, so I picked some do-able routes in Muir Valley out of the book and we set out for another day of climbing. On Indy Wall, we started with Face Up That Arete, which turned out to an great route with very thin holds to help build one's technique. Next, I decided to let it hang out on Moots Madness, my first 5.10, where I literally did hang out on the first few moves, because they were hard for me. After the tall bottom moves, the top gave way to a pumpy slight overhang that nearly spit me out before I clipped the anchors.
I lowered from the route with rain drops falling all around and we quickly pushed on to Great Wall where the book indicated we would find rain protected routes. As the rain picked up into a downpour, we discovered, to our dismay, that there were no rain protected routes on Great Wall.
We watched it rain for an hour before deciding to hike all the way over to Bruise Brothers wall where we knew there were two rain protected routes, CH4 and A-Beano. At Bruise Brothers the two routes were open and we climbed them as the rain poured around us, just barely staying under the roof and out of the rain.
And this is how a second trip to the Red ended, with rain. After Bruise Brothers, we would head back to camp only to wake to rain the next morning. Another trip cut short, another long dreary ride home.
'Til next time...
Part of my much needed vacation during the first two weeks of June was a planned climbing trip with the ol' Stever in Kentucky's Red River Gorge. We left for the Red on June 8th, but I drove over to WV a few nights before for a small family reunion outside of Charleston. We had great weather over the weekend and I was hoping that it would hold out for the enitre week of climbing, but my hope was energy wasted on wishful thinking. We would spend part of the week sneaking around thunderstorms that peppered the Gorge before calling it quits on Thursday morning and heading home. In between rain clouds we did do some climbing...
June 8th, 2009:
Our vehicular ingress to the Red brought Steve and I by Fortress Wall, which has some classic trad routes, some classic trad routes that Steve let me lead. We climbed all afternoon having fun on American Crack, Calypso III, and the first pitch of Bedtime for Bonzo.
This was the first time Steve allowed me to lead trad routes and it was very exciting and scary all at the same time. The experience was something that would add fuel to my addictive fire for climbing as I would rack up some debt building my own trad rack later in the year.
After doing three routes and leaving the crag with a sense of trad accomplishment, Steve and I drove to Middle Fork Campground and set up our campsite.
June 9th, 2009:
Steve had a big day planned for the 9th and a big day of climbing was had. We drove out further into the sticks than normal to the Pendergrass Murray Recreation Preserve, specifically Sore Heel Hollow. Steve knew of a good wall called The Shire, which he claimed had some jug hauls on it and he was right. Very juggy and platey, but very fun, pumpy climbing.
We racked up three in a row in the Shire; Pee Wee, Audie, and Miranda Rayne. Miranda Rayne was especially pumpy and had very thin last moves as an extra little slap in the face.
After climbing Miranda Rayne, we haphazardly packed up the gear as I dreamt of making the leap to 5.10 on Bulldozer, but moved on to the Rival Wall to see what we could see in Rorschach Inkblot Test. The belay was sloping and the start required either a rock pile or cheerleader flexibility. I made like a cheerleader and Steve went with the rock pile. It was a fun climb with interesting moves near the top.
Already feeling somewhat tired from the pumpy Shire, we headed to another part of the Hollow to tick some other fun routes.
In Left Field, we climbed Lowered Expectations and on the Volunteer Wall we touched the perfectly spherical hold on Swap Meet.
June 10th, 2009:
Today we did not have much a plan, so I picked some do-able routes in Muir Valley out of the book and we set out for another day of climbing. On Indy Wall, we started with Face Up That Arete, which turned out to an great route with very thin holds to help build one's technique. Next, I decided to let it hang out on Moots Madness, my first 5.10, where I literally did hang out on the first few moves, because they were hard for me. After the tall bottom moves, the top gave way to a pumpy slight overhang that nearly spit me out before I clipped the anchors.
I lowered from the route with rain drops falling all around and we quickly pushed on to Great Wall where the book indicated we would find rain protected routes. As the rain picked up into a downpour, we discovered, to our dismay, that there were no rain protected routes on Great Wall.
We watched it rain for an hour before deciding to hike all the way over to Bruise Brothers wall where we knew there were two rain protected routes, CH4 and A-Beano. At Bruise Brothers the two routes were open and we climbed them as the rain poured around us, just barely staying under the roof and out of the rain.
And this is how a second trip to the Red ended, with rain. After Bruise Brothers, we would head back to camp only to wake to rain the next morning. Another trip cut short, another long dreary ride home.
'Til next time...
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Journeys: Carr Peak + Miller Peak + Sunburn = Great Hike
On Saturday night (May 2nd) a friend of mine and I decided that we would set out to hike both Carr Peak and Miller Peak in the Huachucas early the next morning. Hopefully, this trip would go without the blizzard-like weather that Mom, Lewis, and I encountered a few weekend ago. On Sunday morning we drove to the Reef Townsite Campground Trailhead and set out at 0700. With no snow and no ominous clouds, we were offered awesome vistas of southern Arizona, looking down on Sierra Vista and Mexico from both peaks. For some reason I decided it would be a good idea to take my shirt off for part of the hike, which turned out to be a terrible idea when my skin turned bright pink and blistered on Monday morning. It was not a fun week of skin suffering, but it was worth the pictures.
Photograph by Chuck Bolte.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Journeys: Catalina State Park
Last weekend I met up with grade school friend David Cubberly to spend the weekend at his home in Tucson. We spent Saturday catching up on the good old days, eating sushi, and riding the rides at the Pima County Fair. On Sunday we went hiking in Catalina State Park with baby Kenoah and the dogs, Ossa and Emerossa.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Journeys: Carr Peak, AZ
The day before Mom and Lewis Bolte drove down to Sierra Vista from Phoenix, temperatures were in the 70's, clouds were an afterthought, and I had not thoughts of adverse weather in the near future. When I woke up Saturday morning and looked out of my bedroom window at 4800 feet up to the mountain peaks at 9200 feet, I saw a blanket of fresh snow and dark clouds moving in. I was not sure how the day would turn out, but Mom and Lewis arrived at 1100 nevertheless and we loaded up in the borrowed Hyundai to make our attempt on Carr Peak in the Huachuca Mountains of Southern Arizona.
We followed AZ 90 through Sierra Vista before turning on to Carr Canyon Road and began a dirt road ascent to the Reef Town Campsite at 7200 feet. During the climb we were dazzled with many dizzying views of Sierra Vista and Cochise County and the cliff bands standing guard below the peaks.
The Carr Falls (left side of the photograph).
Photograph by Chuck Bolte.
Mom on top of the Carr Falls.
Photograph by Chuck Bolte.
Fortunately, even though the weather looked severe at the top of the mountain, at the Reef Town Campsite parking lot, things were still tame. Mom, Lewis, and I parked the Hyundai, packed up our day pack threw on our leather jackets and pearls and set off for the peak. The signs posted at the trailhead told us that we had three miles of trudging to the peak and it did not take long for the snow to set in.
"This is definitely farther than 3 miles, Charlie."
Photograph by Chuck Bolte.
Panorama of the Huachuca Mountains.
Photograph by Chuck Bolte.
As we continued our ascent the weather worsened. The dark clouds swirled over the peak and down on us bringing an unexpected April blizzard in the desert. We passed a couple that was descending and heard their story of stopping 1/3 of a mile from the peak at a trail junction because the snow seemed too heavy. We smiled, nodded, and continued on. We were not cold, tired, hungry, or afraid of what was ahead...just amazed at the natural world around us.
Last clear shot to Sierra Vista before the clouds hit.
Photograph by Chuck Bolte.
Icy pine needles frame unexpected conditions.
Photograph by Chuck Bolte.
At 8500 feet we were in the cloud bank. The snow, which was more like miniature hail, drizzled around us. Trees were suddenly white and frozen with jagged ice daggers clinging to their sides. Tiny spring flora peaked through ever accumulating snow on the ground. At 8800 feet the trail left the east face of the mountain and edged around the south face just under the peak. As we came around a bend in the trail, everything changed, the trail was now disappearing in snow, the ice on the trees was thicker, and suddenly the wind was an aggressive enemy. Hand became frozen while snapping pictures.
Mom strikes a pose in the howling wind.
Photograph by Chuck Bolte.
Desert mountain blizzard conditions.
Photograph by Chuck Bolte.
We were now at the 1/3 to the top mile marker and we did not hesitate to press on. The wind worsened as we hit the top of the ridge and turned east to hike out to Carr Peak and there was no longer the friendly tree to protect us. But we did have the safety of a few rocks.
Heads down we three hiked towards the top. The miniature hail pellets now pelted against all exposed skin with an annoying sting. Thirty yards from cresting the peak, Mom and Lewis took up temporary shelter and I ran to the ugly roundish peak to snap a quick picture before running back down. We picked up and got off of the ridge as quickly as possible to escape the terrible wind.
When we got back down below 8500 feet, things started to return to normal. The snow continued to pelt, but the wind was now a lamb. We were leaving our April winter wonderland.
We followed AZ 90 through Sierra Vista before turning on to Carr Canyon Road and began a dirt road ascent to the Reef Town Campsite at 7200 feet. During the climb we were dazzled with many dizzying views of Sierra Vista and Cochise County and the cliff bands standing guard below the peaks.

Photograph by Chuck Bolte.

Photograph by Chuck Bolte.
Fortunately, even though the weather looked severe at the top of the mountain, at the Reef Town Campsite parking lot, things were still tame. Mom, Lewis, and I parked the Hyundai, packed up our day pack threw on our leather jackets and pearls and set off for the peak. The signs posted at the trailhead told us that we had three miles of trudging to the peak and it did not take long for the snow to set in.

Photograph by Chuck Bolte.

Photograph by Chuck Bolte.
As we continued our ascent the weather worsened. The dark clouds swirled over the peak and down on us bringing an unexpected April blizzard in the desert. We passed a couple that was descending and heard their story of stopping 1/3 of a mile from the peak at a trail junction because the snow seemed too heavy. We smiled, nodded, and continued on. We were not cold, tired, hungry, or afraid of what was ahead...just amazed at the natural world around us.

Photograph by Chuck Bolte.

Photograph by Chuck Bolte.
At 8500 feet we were in the cloud bank. The snow, which was more like miniature hail, drizzled around us. Trees were suddenly white and frozen with jagged ice daggers clinging to their sides. Tiny spring flora peaked through ever accumulating snow on the ground. At 8800 feet the trail left the east face of the mountain and edged around the south face just under the peak. As we came around a bend in the trail, everything changed, the trail was now disappearing in snow, the ice on the trees was thicker, and suddenly the wind was an aggressive enemy. Hand became frozen while snapping pictures.

Photograph by Chuck Bolte.

Photograph by Chuck Bolte.
We were now at the 1/3 to the top mile marker and we did not hesitate to press on. The wind worsened as we hit the top of the ridge and turned east to hike out to Carr Peak and there was no longer the friendly tree to protect us. But we did have the safety of a few rocks.
Heads down we three hiked towards the top. The miniature hail pellets now pelted against all exposed skin with an annoying sting. Thirty yards from cresting the peak, Mom and Lewis took up temporary shelter and I ran to the ugly roundish peak to snap a quick picture before running back down. We picked up and got off of the ridge as quickly as possible to escape the terrible wind.
When we got back down below 8500 feet, things started to return to normal. The snow continued to pelt, but the wind was now a lamb. We were leaving our April winter wonderland.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Snapshots: A Run Through The City
The weekend before last weekend (which would be February 28th) I took a nice long run through downtown Baltimore, up into Mount Vernon, and back home to Riverside. Along the way I snapped a few pics of a dreary looking February city. Enjoy.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Nonsense: 1817
I am proud to announce that Kristin and I have moved into our own house in downtown Baltimore. The house is not all that new, being that it was built circa 1900, but we are new to it and we are very excited for city living. Let the secret fixie gangs and graffiti tagging begin.
Photograph by Kristin Guevarra.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Journeys: Whitetail Ski Resort, PA
After bombing mad runs out West in December, I took some time to give props to the East Coast shred scene by making a day trip to Whitetail Ski Resort in PA. Unfortunately, Kristin could not make the trip on Saturday, but I caught a ride with other friends and had a great time riding my snowboard down the runs like it was a sled.
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