Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Nonsense: Spam, Spam, Spam, And Spam

Apparently I am a heinous ass of a spam blogger. The team recently informed me, via email, that my blog had been locked, because it met certain criteria that hinted it was a spam of a blog. I think MONTY PYTHON did a skit on spam once.

Wench: "We have eggs, spam, spam, spam, ham, and spam."

I am neither Mr. Clease, nor Mr. Graham. I could never be so clever.

It is true, though, that I have not published a post for 14 days. This is due to two things.

1.) I am currently in Afghanistan and I don't have loads of free time.

2.) I am writing everything down in my wonderful Moleskine notebooks (Dearest Dani) and intend to publish my writings as posts in one fell swoop.

Until then, sit down and enjoy some spam.

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