Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Journeys: SEND IT - July 17th - City of Rocks, ID

Today was an awesome day. Fearing the weekend crowd we got up and left early for Castle Rock State Park just a few miles from City of Rocks. Our destination was the Hostess Gully on Castle Rock where we could find numerous moderate multi pitch sport routes.

Hostess Gully at Castle Rock State Park.
Photograph by Chuck Bolte.

Hostess Gully did not disappoint. We started on the three pitch Zinger, which got us high off of the ground providing a great view of the valley as well as endless patina plates. We swapped routes with a couple that were also climbing in the Gully; they started Zinger and we went up two pitch Fruit Pie, which had even bigger juggier patina plates. Back on the ground the sun was now on us, but we decided to stick it out since the climbing was so much fun. We hiked further up the Gully to It Takes Two with another minefield of patina all the way up. As we climbed the other couple cleared off of Between Heaven And Earth to the left and I led it while Beth Ann belayed completely spent after It Takes Two.

Beth Ann on It Takes Two.
Photograph by Chuck Bolte.

The sun had been beating down us for the last three hours and we were both exhausted and dried up. The day had flown by as we knocked down the pitches. It was our most complete day yet. We rolled into camp in bonk status needing food fast. Tomorrow we aim for Jackson's Thumb, four sweet pitches of sport climbing.

Cache Peak from Castle Rock.
Photograph by Chuck Bolte.

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