Monday, July 11, 2011

Journeys: SEND IT - July 9th, 2011 - New River Gorge, WV

I woke early to check the conditions after a hard rain the day before. It was cloudy and the gorge below the Hawk's Nest lodge was banked in with fog. I was worried that we might be rained out of further climbing at the New. The roads were mostly dry, so we went for it anyway. Joey, Kaimy, Beth Ann, Kristin, and I all drove out to the trailhead to Tattoo Wall and started a wet hike in. Fortunately for us even though the vegetation leading up to and surrounding the crag were all soaked, the rock was dry. We started on Butterfly Flake for our warm up then moved to the classic Geisha Girl. Surprisingly enough, as we were climbing Geisha Girl another group from Earth Treks Timonium showed up. It is a small world after all. We only had time for everyone to get through Geisha Girl before we had to leave for reunion part deux in Charleston. Down in Charleston we enjoyed the company of even more family, some that we barely knew or had rarely seen. Exhausted from climbing, frisbee, horseshoes, and badmitton we crashed at Mom's house. Tomorrow we would travel to Spencer a final pack out and visit at the farm and with Steve.

Pictures to be posted later.

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