Saturday, March 24, 2007

Nonsense: The AJBW Ambassador Team

Chuck Bolte is back in Georgia...sadly. It's not all bad though. I have to admit, I did miss my drums and my bikes, but this heat...damn.

Speaking of bikes I've returned to my old riding ways with the AJBW crew on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. These young legs are certainly feeling it too, since I've been off of the bicycle for far too long.

On Thursday I got the quads loose on a lovely 24 mile spin from the Warehouse to the Airport and up that "huge hill that has a water tower on it", before returning to the Warehouse. This morning I rode an accidental 12 mile leg down Walton Way with a guy named Mark. I say accidental, because I accidentally arrived at the Warehouse for the morning ride at 0730 when the ride did not actually start until 0900. Apparently Mark shows up early every morning to get in some miles before the rest of the group shows up and he graciously allowed me to latch on to his back wheel. The group ride, which started at 0900, went out to the Airport again and zigzagged it's way back to the shop via South Augusta. I dabbled with a break away early on pulling 21 - 24 miles per hour on my own up front. Nothing major right now, I'm severely out of cycling shape.

After Thursday's ride Andy informed me that an AJBW road team had been formed while I was away at Fort Meade. Although I whined that I was sloppy and out of shape, Andy offered me the opportunity to be on the team and race under the AJBW label for as long as I am still at Fort Gordon. I momentarily weighed the benefits of returning to the racing world and then...accepted the offer.

As I currently have zero experience in racing on the road I think this will be a good opportunity to break into the field and feel things out with a team of experienced riders to guide me along the way. The current team includes; Matt Williams, Bobby Boham, and Todd Corley and we will all be racing Category 5, essentially the sport class of road racing. Before I can begin racing I have to purchase a membership with USA Cycling and also purchase a Cat 5 racing license. We individuals on the team will be responsible for our own funding, but will promote the Warehouse at all events in return for the use of its name. I currently don't have a race or training schedule, but will post what I know as I know it.

Time to train.

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