Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Nonsense: I Do Not Have Mono!

I was extremely tired and woozy throughout the day of Mon, but I alleviated those woes with approximately 11 hours of sleep on Monday night.

Q: True or false. Charles experienced the shortest case of Mono known to humanity.

A: False. Without getting extremely techinical and having to use mind boggling collegiate vocabulary, experts would have to say that it is has been scientifically proven that Charles was just well beyond tired and had to rest up for the realest.

I hope that clears up any doubts or suspicions.

It snowed in the DC Metro area today. It was almost a drizzle of snow. Small stubborn flakes that incesstantly poured from the sky, but produced no real accumulation or hazardous driving conditions. Not the kind of snow that would cancel "school".

Anyway, there really isn't much to report from Army land.

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