Saturday, May 05, 2012

Journeys: Grand Teton National Park

     I woke at 5 a.m. to check the weather. Rain drizzled down. Awake again close to 9 a.m. the weather had calmed. We emerged from our tents and rekindled the fire. To the north a snowstorm raged over Mount Moran and we could see it was blowing our way. We stoked the fire even more and Thomas continued his bear attack dialogue. The snowstorm hit and quickly blew south of us. We decided to break camp and return to our cars. At my truck I checked the weather on my phone. It was supposed to be sunny tomorrow and remain clear for the next few days.
We decided the day was a wash. We made a plan to check out the Oxbow Bend then return to our campsite in the Bridger Teton National Forest and wait for better weather in the morning. I told Thomas of the famed Moulton Barn on Mormon row that faces east. It is a classic morning photo with the Tetons in the background and was close to our camp in the Bridger Teton. For dinner we had more beans and macaroni followed by bear attack dialogue from Thomas.

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