Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Nonsense: Heroes

I feel confident in making the statement that every human being on Earth has at least one hero.

When I was in grade school, my hero was Spencer High School's star quarterback, Jay Hamrick. Every weekend when the Yellow Jackets would play a football game, I would sit in the living room listening to the game, hanging onto the announcer's every word. Would Hamrick lob the game winning touchdown to one of his talented wide receivers, or would he carry the ball into the end zone himself? Once, the Yellow Jackets football team even visited my first grade classroom and I trembled nervously in the presence of my hero.

It was an honor.

Although, most of my childhood heroes were forgotten shortly after I gave up on childhood (physically gave up), as an adult I still have heroes, people that I look up to everyday. Today, I had a very interesting experience with one of my current heroes after a rather trying pedaling achievement.

He slapped me on the back and said, "Chuck, I am proud of you, and I mean it."

The interaction was completely unexpected and felt really fucking weird.

But in a really, really good way.

I mean it.

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