Monday, October 09, 2006

Rides: Blurry

My fire engine red right eye could not hold a contact today. I have some strange weakness in regard to contacts. If I wear them too long during the day my eyes become hyped up on irritation and I am forced to take a break from wearing them for a few days. I wore them too long yesterday.

So, while riding FATS this morning I opted to wear neither my contacts nor my spectacles. It really does make riding that much more fun.

30 miles of the purest nonstop South Carolina singletrack people. Love it. The route was Great Wall to No Name to Brown Wave, back on Skinny, and the finish on Deep Step. Read 'em and weep (that is a picture of FATS you are seeing!).

I tried two new things this evening. Mustard and Wilco.

The mustard came on a panini at Panera Bread (sandwich shop). I'm not really sure how I feel about the whole ordeal of devouring the school bus yellow bittery burning substance. I'll have to sleep on it. Think about it. Dream about it. Write blogs about it.

Wilco is a band. Wilco was this week's Sundaily CD purchase which came by way of a strong recommendation from the Trish. Specifically the album is titled Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and is now one of the slower CDs that I own. Some parts are kind of funky too include the percussion and the lyrics. I, for one, am always down with percussional experimentation/genius. I think this Wilco thing will have to be something I have to be in the mood to listen to, but, I will also have to sleep on it.


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